重新看 Bandura(1977)的「Self-efficacy」這篇文章

Posted by ⌾ Jiewen Tsai on 2020-09-28

  • Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological review, 84(2), 191-215.
  • Bandura, A., Adams, N. E., & Beyer, J. (1977). Cognitive processes mediating behavioral change. Journal of personality and social psychology, 35(3), 125-139.

因為我的碩士論文在探討「教師自我效能」的中介效應,因此 Bandura(1977)的 Self-efficacy 這篇經典作品當然讀過。尤其前半段建構的自我效能的效能預期與結果預期、影響自我效能的因素等,更是自我效能的基礎理論。

但我完全沒留意到這篇文章居然還有很精彩的後半段,是從實證的探討方式。這邊我卻幾乎忽略了。直到我現在想回來做關於「發展」的研究(developemental research),重新讀 Bandura 才發現這篇文章的實證也同樣精彩(四十年前的文章就是不一樣)。Bandura(1977)的這篇文章後半段的圖表都是引自當時 Bandura 等人 (in press) 的文章,而那篇文章後來也在同年發表了,我找到並條列出來,是一篇在探討認知過程對於行為改變的中介效應的文章。

My master's thesis was on the mediating effects of "teacher self-efficacy" thus, I had read Bandura's (1977) classic work on self-efficacy. In particular, the first half of the article constructs the efficacy expectation and outcome expectation of self-efficacy and the factors that affect self-efficacy, which are the fundamental self-efficacy theories.

But I didn't notice that the second half of this article is a perfect one, an empirical approach. I almost ignored this side. It was not until I came back to do developmental research and re-read Bandura that I realized that this article's empirical evidence was just as good. Bandura et al.(in press), which was published later in the same year, and which I found and listed as an article exploring the mediating effects of cognitive processes on behavior change.


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